Moline, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Moine City? If you're looking for the population and steets of a town, you've come to the right place. You'll find this map of the town of Moline in Illinois useful to learn about the city's history and current population. It also contains useful statistics for residents and businesses. Listed below are the current population and steets of Moline City.

Before the Civil War, the population of Moline was seven hundred. The city was soon expanding and grew to fill the gap between Rock Island and Moline. However, the two towns' population decreased when they were united in 1861. Rock Island, the city's county seat, and the nearby city of Moline fought over the merger. The union was not favored, and talks of consolidation broke down after Rock Island's debt issues. The talks later returned, but the two cities never came to an agreement.

The number of households in Moline, IL differs by race and ethnicity. For example, white people account for 57.4% of households, whereas black people make up the remaining five percent. A typical Moline household has a median income of $33,500. The poverty level is approximately $123.66 for the entire city. Regardless of the racial makeup of the population, the poverty rate is generally lower in Moline than in other cities in Illinois.