Neodesha, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Neodesha City, Kansas, is 2,275. The city is named after an Osage Indian word that means "The-Water Is Smoky With Mud."

Neodesha was incorporated as a city on March 2, 1871. It is located in Wilson, Kansas, USA. The city has a ZIP code of 563. The estimated population for 2020 is 504 people. The Neodesha ZIP code is also known as "Neodesha", which is a "default" name for the city. If you live in Neodesha, you can find out about its population by searching Google Maps.

The median age of all residents in Neodesha is 40.4. This percentage includes both foreign and native-born citizens. This percentage is higher than the national average and parent geographies. The most common foreign-born birthplace in Neodesha is Mexico, followed by Vietnam and India. A high percentage of the residents are US citizens. The median home value in Neodesha is $53,500. The median home appreciation in Neodesha, KS is 3.7%.

Demographics of Neodesha are also important to look at. According to the 2010 Census, the median age of residents in Neodesha was 39.2. There were 7.3% of people under 18 and 22.5% were aged 25 to 44. The remaining population was comprised of those aged 45 to 64 and 16.5% were 65 or older. The city's overall population diversity was 46.7% white and 53.3% black. The city's school district is USD 461.