Nickerson, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in Nickerton City, you have come to the right place. Listed below are the various towns and cities that are close to Nickerson City, KS. These towns are useful for exploring the surrounding area and getting a feel for the lifestyle of residents. Use these towns to plan your next road trip! They have everything that you need for an enjoyable and safe trip!

The population of Nickerson City is around 1,300 people. It is located in the northwestern part of the county, one hundred and seventy-five miles southwest of Topeka and is the end of the second division of the A., T. & S. F. Railroad. The railroad has numerous large machine shops and repair shops in Nickerson, and the city receives $200,000 a year from the railroad.

A quick look at the eviction rates shows that almost all homes in the city are owner-occupied, while only about 1% of the population is living in a rented home. The median gross monthly rent in Nickerson is $662. The median household income is $11,080, compared to $18,288 in Sedgwick. Approximately 90 percent of Nickerson's workers drove alone to work in 2019 and 1.17 percent worked from home.

The racial makeup of Nickerson is diverse. Most residents identify as White and African-American, while the minority population is comprised of people who are Hispanic, Asian, and other races. Nickerson ranks 286th in the state in diversity, and is home to many ethnic groups. A comprehensive census of all ethnic groups in Nickerson City will reveal what demographics mean to you. There are also a few demographic indicators for residents.