Sedgwick, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There is no definitive way to measure population, but there are some good indicators. For example, if you're looking to find out what the median household income is in Sedgwick City, you can easily compare it to the average of all cities in the state. Also, if you're looking to compare the cost of living between different cities, you can use the data from the Center for Neighborhood Technology.

The population of Sedgwick City, KS is made up of a diverse group of people. Its white population makes up 1.21k people, while its black population is 73. Currently, there are about 172 people living below the poverty line in Sedgwick. This is lower than the national average of 64.1%, so people in this city are still doing okay financially.

The percentage of people who commute by car in Sedgwick City was 81.7% in 2019. Another 2.13 percent commuted by foot. The number of households using each mode of transportation increased or decreased over time, and the chart also reflects the proportion of households that use car-based transportation. Using a logarithmic scale, the chart shows how the population in Sedgwick, KS is distributed in each of the buckets.

In 2010 the city's median rent was $580 per month. This figure takes into account utilities and some other costs that may be associated with living in a rental. Sedgwick's rent burden is lower than the state average of 27.9% and is also lower than neighboring cities Andale and Kansas. In 2016, 25.1% of households were renters. If you're looking for a place to rent, Sedgwick is a good option for you.