Alvaton, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Alvaton city is located in the state of Kentucky. It is located in the southwest region of the state. The city has a population of 4,038 people. It is surrounded by small towns, but there are several larger cities within 68 miles of the town.

Alvaton City has a diverse population. About 49% of residents are unmarried. Its average age is 33. There are also large numbers of families. The city has a low proportion of people younger than 20, and a high proportion of retirees.

Alvaton city is located in Warren County, Kentucky. The USPS estimates that Alvaton will have a population of 7,358 by the year 2020. This is lower than the state and national averages. In comparison, the city of Bowling Green has a population of 71,628.

Alvaton city's CCD contains a large population of people of Native descent. It has the second-largest number of Native people in the state. Among non-natives, Alvaton is home to a very low proportion of people who are naturalized citizens.