If you're thinking about visiting Battletown City, KY, you'll want to find out the population and steets of the city. While this town is relatively small, the surrounding area is worth exploring, so check out other cities and towns nearby. You might be surprised at what you find! Read on for the latest statistics! Also, check out our local area guide for more information! It's the perfect place to start planning your trip!
Violent crime in Battletown City is 3.31 crimes per 1,000 residents. While this number might seem high, it's important to note that it's actually lower than most other cities. Most crimes are committed in retail areas, so violent crime maps tend to be inflated. You can't compare the two violent crime maps in Battletown, but this will help you determine the safest parts of the city for your family.
If you're interested in knowing how old the population in Battletown is, you can check out the CCD statistics. This city's population is primarily made up of people between the ages of 30 and 39. There are some large generational groups, but these are smaller than the ones in most places. If you're wondering what your demographics look like, consider the Battletown-Payneville CCD's overall diversity. Its population is a mix of white, black, and Asian people, with a slightly lower proportion of Hispanics.
The population of Battletown City, Kentucky is primarily composed of whites and African Americans. The city's Hispanic population is also 0.6% of the population. If you're looking to advertise in the area, you might want to check the average home ownership rate. The median home ownership rate is 7.42 per 1,000 residents. The high school graduation rate is 77%, but 54% dropped out.