If you are looking for the population and steets of Beech Creek City, Pennsylvania, you have come to the right place. Here, you'll find vital information about Beech Creek. From where you live to where you can find the best restaurants, you'll have everything you need to know. Take a look around the area and see what all the city has to offer. You'll be happy you found this article.
The first permanent settlement in the city took place around 1793. It was located three miles above the borough's present-day border. It was a hunter's paradise. The forests provided habitat for deer, bear, panthers, and fish. The city is also the site of several mills. There are two mills in Beech Creek. Both are still in operation, but one sits idle.
There are approximately 6,085 people living in Beech Creek City. 68.2% of residents are white, while 17.3% are black. Those who are Hispanic or Latino make up 7.9% of the city's population. The median household income for the city is $35,491.
A map of the population and steets of Beech Creek City can be found here. A detailed map of the city can be found in the City Directories section. You can also find information about the town's history on this website. The website will also give you a list of historical landmarks and important information about Beech Creek. This site will also show the street names, state, and zip code of each museum.