If you're looking for the latest information about the population and steets of Cecilia City, KY, then you've come to the right place. Cecilia, KY, is a small city in Hardin County. The estimated 2020 population of Cecilia is 618 people. That number is expected to decrease by 0.00% each year, but has grown by 8.04% from the 2010 census. The median rent in the city is - per month, and the average house value is $118,800. The median age of people living in Cecilia is 25 years old, with males a bit younger than females.
The median household income in Cecilia, KY is $67,689. This is higher than the average national income of $65,712 for a single person. The rate of poverty in Cecilia was 0.5% for individuals and 0.9% for households with children. The median income in the city was higher than that of the neighboring states, as well as the United States. The median income in Cecilia is higher than that of the neighboring states.
In addition to its small size, Cecilia is also surrounded by other towns and cities. You can explore the areas surrounding this small town and plan a road trip. You can search for cities near Cecilia City, KY by entering the ZIP code in your search engine. You'll find a list of cities within 30 miles or more. When searching for flights, be sure to check out the major airport nearest you.