Population & Steets in Clearfiled City are provided below for your reference. These data are for 2010 and 2020. You may use them to compare the city to other nearby communities. The Clearfield, Ohio, population was 31,364 people in the 2010 census, and there were 9,644 households in the city. The total area was 7.8 square miles. Approximately 16.2% of the population has a bachelor's degree or higher, while 5.6% is a graduate or professional. In 2020, there were 6.6% of housing units vacant in the city. The median income in Clearfield was $60260, or $63,558.
The Clearfield Community Center was renamed the Clearfield Community Arts Center in 2012. It is located east of the city's north parking lot. The building is expected to become a center for theatre productions and arts classes. The city's black population is higher than the state average. Among its many amenities, the Arts Center features an outdoor pool, a fitness center, and a gym.
Among the other Clearfield Utah population statistics, Clearfield has a very low proportion of European citizens. In comparison, the city has a high percentage of Asian people. Clearfield is the second most ethnically diverse city in the greater Clearfield region, behind West Point. The highest percentage of foreign-born residents is in Sunset. The highest percent of non-Asian people lives in Clearfield, but the city is only half as large as the United States average.