If you are interested in knowing the population and steets of Cromwell City, CT, then you have come to the right place. We've listed down the population of the area so you can get a general idea of where to live. Then we've also included the top cities that are close to Cromwell, CT, so you can make your travel arrangements. You can even find out how close each city is to Cromwell, CT.
Population and steets for Cromwell are available from the United States Census Bureau. The population of the city is expected to total 226 by 2020. This number is down 4.24% from the 2010 census. Males are the majority in the town, with the average age being 45.5 years. Females are slightly older, at 60 years. There are two main high schools in Cromwell, as well as a public elementary school.
The percentage of foreign-born citizens in Cromwell is 8.7%, which is a lower rate than the state's average. Females make an average of $36,212, while males make an average of $46,223 per person. The percent of the population that falls below the poverty line is three percent, with 3.4% being aged 65 or older. There are many schools in Cromwell, including the Edna C. Stevens Elementary School, Woodside Intermediate School, and Cromwell High School.
The population of Cromwell is a combination of white, black, and Hispanic citizens. The city also has a population of non-Hispanic whites. Cromwell's population is about equal in gender and ethnicity. In terms of ancestry, the city is home to many European, German, and English people. Cromwell's majority is composed of whites.