The following information contains the Population & Steets for Dixon City, Illinois. This information is based on the most recent census data for Dixon. This information is updated yearly and is provided without any warranty. Please consult the appropriate state and local government agencies for more information. If you have questions about the demographics of Dixon, Illinois, please contact the Dixon Chamber of Commerce or the local government. We're happy to help you determine your community's needs.
The city of Dixon, Illinois, has an estimated population of 18,351. It is higher than the state and national average. The population is composed of both natives and non-natives. Dixon's median age is 41.6 years old. Dixon is located at an elevation of 1,766 feet. Residents are largely white. Native people are small but significant, making this city an excellent choice for a family.
The city was originally known as Silveyville. It was a halfway point between Sacramento and the Pacific Coast and was a popular stopover for miners. This community was near the Central Pacific railroad, but the railroad missed the town by a few miles. The city was reestablished and the Dixon Methodist Church was built. The city's population and number of businesses increased dramatically during this time. In 1868, Dixon was home to a railroad terminal.
The Dixon City population is just about one-fourth the size of the state of Illinois. The city also has a relatively small non-native population: fewer than 5,000 people. This is much lower than the Illinois average, where nearly half the population is foreign-born. In addition, the population in Dixon is made up of only 2% of non-natives. For the Dixon City area, naturalized citizens are the largest demographic group, with a median age of 43.4 and a pronounced age of 18 years.