If you're interested in the population and steets of Edgewood City, you've come to the right place. Here's the latest data. In this article, we'll explore the various demographics of Edgewood City, including its raw head count and population density per square mile. Alternatively, you can consult the census data to find out which neighborhood has the most people of any race or ethnicity.
When it comes to demographics and development, residents of Edgewood City are also interested in knowing the current population and steets. According to the census data, the city has an estimated population of about 33,000, with a high percentage of young families. It's important to note that the area has seen considerable development since it was incorporated. In addition to demographics, there's also a wealth of information available in the area's public records, including demographic information.
The population of Edgewood City is mainly comprised of medium-sized homes and large apartment buildings. While the city had just 8 multifamily units between 2000 and 2016, this number has doubled. Approximately 400 new units were constructed in Edgewood between 2016 and 2019.
Employment statistics aren't as promising in Edgewood. With a low employment-to-population ratio, it's easy to see that commuting from Edgewood is not as convenient as one might think. With only 3.8% of residents working in the city, this area is home to only a small percentage of workers. Thankfully, this is a temporary situation. By the time people move from Edgewood to another part of the county, they can find an employer and a job.