This table shows the population and steets of Elliottville City, New York. The median property value in Ellicottville, NY is $256,000, which is 1.06 times higher than the national average. In addition, a majority of households own at least two cars, with 73.2% of people commuting alone to work. For people who work at home, the median income is $54,496 per year.
The Town of Ellicottville is located in Cattaraugus County, New York. As of the 2010 census, the population of the town is estimated to be 232. As of 2016, the population is decreasing by -4.92% a year, and has declined by 9.38% since the last census. The median house value is $257,000, and the median age of its residents is 55 years old, and 59 years old for males.
The gini measure measures income inequality in New York. The city's GINI index is 0.497, slightly lower than the national average of 0.478. It also measures the number of workers in different income buckets. The map below shows the median household income in each bucket. The map below shows the median income of each neighborhood in Ellicottville City. This figure is helpful for estimating the income levels of area residents.
Ellicottville is located south of Ashford. It shares a town line with East Otto and Mansfield. It also shares a town line with Franklinville and Machias. Residents of Ellicottville may be interested in a school that has an Ellicottville address. A public library is located at the Town Hall. Its phone number is 785-3291.