Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Emerton City? The following information will give you the statistics on this town. If you live in this neighborhood, you will be glad to know that you are not the only one. With a population of 5.58k people, you will find many neighbors who share your background. There are approximately 928 White people, 729 Asian people, and 13.4% Hispanic people living in Emerson City.
Approximately 20% of the population of Emerson is Armenian-American, which is higher than the national average. This percentage ranks Emerson, NJ as the twenty-first most Armenian-American town in the United States. It's also the most populous town in the neighboring counties of Bergen County. Emerson is located on County Routes 502 and 503, which make travel to work easier.
The borough is also home to some parks. The Hillman Park on Thomas Street was built on land donated by Richard Hillman. It features a playground and baseball fields. The town also has Rosengart Park, sometimes referred to as Sunset Park, and Veterans' Park, which honors Emerson's veterans. There are several parks in Emerson, including Washington Park, Washington Avenue Park, and Ackerman Avenue Park.
While most people in Emerson City use their cars for transportation, there are also a significant number of commuters who use public transit. Most people in Emerson, NJ 07630 drive under half an hour, while others travel over forty-five minutes to get to work. Therefore, it's important to know how to get around the city by car, bus, or bicycle. You can view the Emerson Public School District on a map or by checking out the school district website.