Fedscreek, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Fedscreek is comprised of a mixture of single family homes and apartment buildings? Fedscreek has a total of 255 residents, of which 125 are male and 130 are female. The median age in the community is 37.1, while the average age is 35.7. There are approximately 767 births and 776 deaths per year, and the city has a population of N/A races.

While the violent crime rate in Fedscreek is four crimes per 1,000 people, the southeast of the city is the safest part. The northwest part of the city has a violent crime rate of one in 183. Conversely, the southeast part of the city has a violent crime rate of just one in 332. The comparison of violent crime rates in these two parts of Fedscreek may not be as simple as it seems. However, the violent crime map closely mirrors state and national maps.

If you want to spend some time exploring the region, you can check out the list of local towns and cities near Fedscreek, KY. These small towns will give you a feel for the area and help you plan your trip. Or, you can try to find flights to larger cities that are four hours away from Fedscreek, KY. In addition to finding flights near Fedscreek, the map will help you search for hotels within a hundred miles of this city.