Freeburn, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article discusses the population and steets of Freeburn City. The city's overall livability score is above average. The livability rating is comprised of data points and a weighting formula that considers factors such as education level, crime rate, and cost of living. It also takes into account a city's overall happiness level. In this article, we'll discuss the city's livability, as well as some other statistics.

In 2019 Freeburn, KY's median property value was $101,700, which is 0.423 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership rates in Freeburn City were 83.5%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1%. The median household value is $21,136, and the number of cars per household is two. While this figure is slightly higher than the national average, it is still above average.

The racial makeup of the city is shown on a map. Freeburn's residents are most likely to identify as Republican. The top religion is Protestant. The racial diversity score for Freeburn is also included. However, the race of residents is not directly related to the amount of money spent on education. This is an indication of a more affordable town. The population of Freeburn is not diverse enough to warrant ranking the city.

The median household income in Freeburn, KY is $21,136, compared to $65,712 in the U.S. Census Bureau. Freeburn has a lower than average percentage of households that fall below the poverty line than the national average. Freeburn has 81 people living in the city. The city has two businesses: Accommodation & Food Services and Construction. Another major business is Manufacturing. There are seven other businesses in Freeburn, KY that employ over a quarter of the residents.