A quick look at the population and steets of Graham City, NC will give you a good idea of how many people live in the area. This midsized city is comprised mostly of Whites. Blacks and Asians make up the next largest racial groups. The majority of residents are married, with 52% of the population being under the age of 18.
The city is in Alamance County, a county formed by the split of Orange County. The population of Graham is roughly 7,000. The city is the county seat for Alamance County. It is located in the middle of the county, so there is little overlap between the county and the city. While Graham has a large population, there is no public hospital. The nearest hospital is located about 20 miles west of the city.
Since the town was established, it has seen a number of changes. In 1961, the legislature renamed the town to Graham and gave it a post office. The city is home to several well-known industries, including textiles, agriculture, and oil. It was also granted a U.S. Post Office on January 31, 1850. James Sidney Scott was the first postmaster.
The 2010 Census reported that 29,9% of the 5,241 households in Graham City, NC had a child under the age of 18. The population was composed of married couples. 16.2% of households were headed by a female who did not live with her husband. Twenty-four percent of households had one person living alone, and 11.8% of households had one person older than 65. The average household size was 2.37 people. The median age was 34.