The population of Grethel, KY is approximately 1,162 people. This includes 594 males and 568 females. The median age is 31.4 years, and the average household income is $34,518. The race breakdown of the population is very varied. The majority of Grethel residents are white, with only 0.9% of the population being of another race. 55% of Grethel's residents have completed high school, but 51% have dropped out of college.
The percentage of residents who are of one race is shown on the map below. The numbers are self-reported, so you can expect that some areas will be more diverse than others. Darker colors indicate racial majorities that are larger than others. Diversity scores also appear on the map. The higher the number of people of a certain race, the more diverse the area is. Red areas, on the other hand, are areas where only one race is represented.
The population of a particular neighborhood can be a determining factor for crime rates. For example, Grethel's southeast neighborhoods have a robbery rate of 1 in 2,995, while it is one in 17784 in the central portion of the city. While comparing crime rates is not intuitive, it should be noted that south Grethel is considered safer than the central portion of the city.