Herndon, Virginia, is located in Fairfax County. The population was 21,655 at the 2010 census and is projected to grow to 24,925 by 2020. The city is home to 13 public schools. According to Homefacts, the area has a B grade average for public schools. The city has a moderate crime rate, with only 39 registered sex offenders. There is a low unemployment rate, too.
Herndon's ethnic composition is quite diverse. Three out of every ten residents are Hispanic, while nine percent of the population is white. One-fifth of the population is Asian. Other races make up the remaining 1%. The US Census Bureau uses money income thresholds to determine where people live. These thresholds vary based on family size and composition. Families earning less than these thresholds are considered to be poor.
Herndon's thriving business community offers a unique combination of resources and perks. From superior real estate to a world-class business community, Herndon offers an unmatched quality of life. The city has numerous opportunities to make a difference in your life. Consider moving to Herndon. You'll be glad you did. There are no shortage of opportunities and challenges. Just make sure you choose a location where you can thrive.
The population of Herndon City is diverse. In 2014, 41.7% of the population was under 18 years old. Another 9.4% of households had a female householder without a husband present. Twenty-six percent of the population was made up of non-families. The remaining twenty-one percent of households included only single people. In addition, two percent of the households were headed by an elderly person.