If you are wondering about the Population & Steets in Hitchman City, KY, you've come to the right place. Listed below is the latest information about the city. You can use it to compare Hickman with nearby cities. For example, you can see the number of renters in Hickman City with the number of homeowners in Portageville and Fulton. You can also check out the eviction rate to get an idea of the neighborhood's housing market.
The population of Hickman City is 1,657 at the 2010 census. The population was founded by Reverend C.H. Heckman and incorporated in 1885. The city has several restaurants and a bar downtown. It is a safe, family-friendly place to live. The population is age-mixed, but that doesn't mean that you can't find people with different backgrounds.
The median age of Hickman city residents is 32.3 years, 5.6 years younger than the median age of the United States. The median home value in Hickman is $44,900. Over the last 10 years, home values have appreciated 0.8%. And although the area is relatively safe, there are still plenty of crimes. But you need to keep in mind that the rate of murder in Hickman City may appear inflated when you think about how many retail establishments there are. In this case, the crime rate map in Hickman is not necessarily a good indicator for residents' safety.
The number of households owning automobiles in Hickman, KY varies. The largest share of Hickman, KY households own two automobiles. And a small portion of households own one car. And the lowest share has zero cars. Personal health care spending in Kentucky increased by 6.11% between 2013 and 2014, with Medicare and private health insurance both making up the rest. The data for Hickman, KY is tagged to households' residential addresses.