Hiseville, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with the Population & Steets in Hisaville City. It will also give you the distance from Hiseville to the nearest city. The following list contains information about the nearest big cities and towns to Hiseville, KY. These cities are located within 72 miles from Hiseville, KY. This information will be helpful for you when you're planning to visit these cities.

Hiseville City has a vacancy rate of 11.0%, which is higher than 63.2% of all U.S. neighborhoods. The majority of this housing is unoccupied year-round, which may indicate weak housing demand or a large supply of new homes. Either way, you're likely to come across many empty houses in Hiseville. To avoid having to deal with this problem, consider moving to a city that has a lower vacancy rate.

The crime rate in Hiseville City varies based on its location. In the southwest, crime is estimated to be higher than in the east. Similarly, crime rates in the city's northern areas are less than in its southern neighborhoods. However, crime rates in the southwest area may seem higher than in the eastern part of the city, despite the fact that this is one of the safest areas of the city.