Marshes Siding, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The unincorporated community of Marshes Siding is located in McCreary County, Kentucky. This page contains information about the population and steets of the city. There are several ways to get more information about Marshes Siding. Here is a map of the community. There are also links to census data and other public records. This is a great resource for anyone looking to move to this area.

The crime rate in Marshes Siding is calculated using the number of crimes committed per 1,000 residents in a standard year. This rate is similar to other cities in the surrounding area. However, this city is not as safe as neighboring cities. In addition, Marshes Siding is not as safe as the national average. If you're looking for a safe place to live, look at the crime map.

The zip code for Marshes Siding is 42631. This is a very small area, and the median household income is only $24,688. That's significantly less than the US average. Most residents are married and white, and most are white. The city's median home price is $76,200. Home appreciation in the last 10 years has been 0.8%. It's important to note that Marshes Siding's median home price is lower than the national average.

There are approximately 200 people in Marshes Siding. Of these, 54% are males, and 46% are females. There are 113 households, and a majority of these people live in the same house they lived in last year. About half of the population in Marshes Siding is employed in a blue or white collar job. Households in Marshes Siding average three people.