Listed below are the population and steets of Minerva City, Ohio. These numbers are based on the most recent available census data. The population of Minerva City is 4.7% larger than the average for the state of Ohio. Residents of Minerva City are ethnically diverse, reporting Irish, Italian, and Welsh ancestry. For more information, visit the city's website.
The percentage of foreign-born residents in Minerva City is 12.6%. In addition, the city has a large foreign-born population. There are a total of 55,000 foreign-born residents in the city. Whether you're a foreign-born citizen or not, you can easily find out the stats for Minerva by checking the United States Census Bureau or the American Community Survey.
The percentage of married couples in Minerva's population is 72%. The highest percentage of husband-and-wife families is found in Lake Mohawk CDP, which is 12.9% larger than Minerva. Below is a breakdown of the percentage of households headed by a married couple. The numbers in Minerva are comparable to those in the greater Cincinnati area, but not the same as those of other cities.
In the year 2020, the population of Minerva will be 3,593. This makes it the 298th largest city in Ohio and the 5710th largest city in the United States. The population of Minerva is declining at a rate of -0.25% per year, or 3.41% over the last decade. The city spans a distance of two miles, and has a population density of 1,658 people per square mile.