In terms of race, the population of Morganfield, Kentucky is comprised of 78.2% white people, 18.9% black people, and 0.3% Asian and 2.4% Hispanic residents. The median household income in Morganfield is $44,768, and 77% of the working population earns at least a high school diploma. In addition, a high school graduation rate of 77% is considered to be a good sign for the city's future.
Although the overall livability score of Morganfield City is a bit higher than the statewide average, residents shouldn't worry about crime as much as residents of other Suburban areas. Education in Morganfield is also well-ranked, both on a statewide and national scale. The overall cost of living in Morganfield is below the national average. This includes housing costs, utilities, groceries, health care, transportation, and miscellaneous goods.
Several buildings stand proudly in Morganfield. The Adams Hanger Building, for example, is located on the south side of Main Street. This brick and concrete building, dating from the first half of the 19th century, features six and seven-light windows. Despite its modest appearance, the structure still features intricate cast iron cornices and store trim. The area is unique in the number of structures in the city, including many historical buildings.
Those living in Morganfield, Kentucky are divided into two main groups: those who are of voting age and those who aren't. The majority of residents of Morganfield, KY are white, while about 17.5% are black. A few people are of Hispanic heritage, but there's no data on the proportion of Hispanics. If you're interested in finding out more about Morganfield, KY, read on.