When considering the city as a place to move to, you should consider the population & steets of New Hope. As the state's capital, the city is located along the upper Mississippi River about 20 miles west of Wisconsin. The most pleasant months to live in New Hope are August, June and July, while January is the coldest month. To get a feel for the population, here are some stats:
The city has a total population of 20,775 residents and a median household income of $50,165. The poverty rate is also about 29%, with 13.9% of residents living below the poverty level. A third of the population is employed. Seventy-one percent of residents in New Hope are employed, and sixty-seven percent of them are in the labor force. More than eighty-four percent of residents have at least a high school degree. Only 2.4% of New Hope residents have a graduate or professional degree.
A map of the city is also available. The city is located along the Delaware River. The Aquetong (Ingham) Creek begins in the neighboring Solebury Township. It is one of the most productive springs in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Aquetong Creek flows through the town's preserved forest, and forms a scenic millpond near the Bucks County Playhouse. In addition, many of the city's residents actually live in Solebury.