If you are interested in knowing the population of Olmstead City, Ohio, you are in luck. This city is home to a very diverse population. In fact, its residents report belonging to several different racial groups. While most people describe themselves as White or Black, other important ancestries include German, Irish, and Spanish. As for the language spoken in this city, English is the most common language, followed by Spanish, Arabic, and French.
Early records show that the area was once known as Kingston. In 1823, residents organized into a township and called it Lenox. The township was renamed Olmstead in 1826. Its name came from a local businessman named Aaron Olmsted, who donated many of the books from his library. As a result, the city has a rich history.
The median age of the people living in Olmstead City was 41.6. The percentage of those who were under the age of 18 was 6.7%, while 28.6% of households were made up of a single person. The rest of the households were made up of families and individuals. A few seniors also lived alone in the community. The population of the city is quite diverse, and the number of elderly people is consistently rising.
As a suburb of Cleveland, Olmstead Falls is located just 14 miles from the Ohio City. The population is comprised of approximately 9,024 people. The main business district of Olmstead Falls is located on Bagley and Columbia Roads. The downtown is home to the Grand Pacific Junction, which is the town's historic district. The city has a very diverse population, and the majority of people are of voting age.