The population of Owingsville is 1,564 and has had a 4.5% growth rate since the year 2020. Its median home value is $112,000 and home appreciation has been 0.8% over the past decade. Owingsville is a great place to live if you are looking for a home that is close to city amenities. It's located near the banks of the Little Miami River, so you can enjoy a nice walk to your neighborhood grocery store.
The city's population is located within the 40360 zip code. It belongs to Multi-county. You'll be able to find the Owingsville zip code by entering the address. Depending on your address, the city will have different zip codes. If you don't know what ZIP code to enter, use Quick Select. You can get the ZIP code of a home by using the address you have in your address.
The city's population is fairly diverse. Twenty-one percent of the population is under 18 years old, and one-fifth is over 65. Most residents drive private automobiles to work. Some carpool with neighbors, co-workers, and friends. But owning a car is helpful for many residents in getting to and from work. It's a convenient and efficient way to travel.