Perry Park, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Perry Park City is almost completely owner occupied? This means that you will not find many rental opportunities here. This is great news for residents, as it means that this neighborhood is relatively stable and safe. However, you should be aware that the neighborhood's population is quite small. Let's take a closer look. Below, you'll find the population and steets of Perry Park City.

Perry Park is home to the Charles Machine Works, the headquarters of Ditch Witch machinery, which employs nearly a thousand people. The city is also home to Ground Zero Shelters, Co., which manufactures Tornado Shelters and Crownline by GZ products. There are several schools in the city, including Perry Junior-High School, Upper Elementary School, and Lower Elementary School. The city has a Home Rule City Charter government.

The population of Perry Park was roughly 2203 as of the 2010 census. This means that most residents are employed and drive their own private automobile to work. Most residents, however, find that owning a car is useful. In fact, Perry Park residents have the longest commute in the United States. You might find this surprising, but it's actually the opposite! If you're planning to live in Perry Park City, you should be aware of the long commute times of residents.

The current population of this city is approximately 2,000 families. There are basement buildings that accommodate 1,320 square feet of space per suite. This means that ten thousand people would live in this city, with approximately 1,600 of those people being elementary school-aged. Each unit would face the principal street and one side the business block. An arcade would serve residents in the area. This city has a low crime rate and an excellent public transportation system.