A quick look at Pineville City's Population & Steets reveals some interesting facts. About 79.5% of residents drive alone to work each day. The chart below illustrates the share of households that use each mode of transportation. It also uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show the variability of smaller means of transportation. The chart below breaks down Pineville City's households into buckets by type of vehicle ownership. The largest proportion of households had two or more cars. The largest percentage of households had false cars.
The rapides parish School Board manages the public schools in Pineville. The city's population was estimated in 2000 at 3,500 people. Located on Louisiana Highway 28 East, Kees Park honors the businessman Billy Keys, Sr., who served as president of Louisiana College from 1910 until his death in 1941. He also built the Cottingham Expressway, which is named after him. In addition, the city's public schools are managed by the Rapides Parish School Board.
The economic climate in Pineville City is favorable. While the city's history and heritage are rooted in southern values, it has attracted new businesses and industry in recent years. Its simple characteristics make Pineville a perfect blend of small-town charm and big-city opportunities. However, the city still retains a warm, welcoming atmosphere. For this reason, it is an excellent location for both business and leisure.