Poole, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and Steets in Poole City include Richard Oakes, the guitar player for the band Suede. The town also contains Greg Lake, a member of Emerson, Lake & Palmer. The city is also home to writers Maggie Gee and Louisa Clein. The city has had a long history of brewing and in 1568, Queen Elizabeth granted it a new charter. This charter made the city independent and allowed it to control its own affairs. In 1574, the city's population was 1,373 and it had a strong brewing and fishing industry.

The median property value of a home in Poole, KY was $81,700 in 2019. This number is 0.356 times smaller than the national average. The number of people in Poole who own their own homes is 100%, which is higher than the national average of 64.4%. The city has a high percentage of households who own a car. The median income of a household in Poole, KY is between $800 and $1499.

The city is home to several suburbs, which developed from hamlets and villages. There are also areas of greenbelt. These are mostly found on the city's shared border with East Dorset and Purbeck. They cover areas of natural landscape, greenfield facilities, and other features. There are also a number of nature reserves in Poole.