Redfox, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the 2010 census, the Population & Steets of Redfox City were based on census data. The average household size was 2.98, which was higher than the national average. This figure reflects the fact that there are many families in the city. There were 2,067 households in 2000. As of 2014, the population of the city was 5,237. But these numbers are not entirely accurate. In fact, the population of Redfox City is significantly larger than the national average.

The Eastern American red fox is closely related to its native populations in Canada and the northeastern United States. This fact has implications for management strategies, including the introduction of predators. It is important to identify where red fox populations originated in order to make appropriate management decisions and plan for their long-term survival. Recent range expansions are associated with anthropogenic landscape change and the introduction of exotic European populations.