Roxana, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing more about the Population & Steets in Roxanna City? Roxana is located in Madison County, Illinois and has a population of 1,547 people as of the 2000 census. Most of the town's land is occupied by the Wood River Conoco-Phillips oil refinery. Built by Shell Oil in 1916, the Wood River refinery processes 306,000 barrels of crude oil each day. Its main customers include Chicago, Indiana, and Ohio.

Although the area is relatively safe, it still has crime issues. In 2019, the median age of residents in Roxana was 43.2 years old. The median age of foreign-born residents was 36 years old. Roxana's median age was 43.2 in 2018. In terms of foreign-born citizens, the most common country of birth was Mexico, followed by India and Poland. The city had a total of 156084 immigrants from countries of the world.

Despite its size, Roxana still maintains its independent spirit and is proud of its strong foundation. The city's rich history and diverse trade make it a wonderful place to live or visit. In fact, Phillips 66, the third-largest integrated energy company in the United States, has its headquarters in Roxana. Roxana is rich in history and trade, and has come a long way since its founding in 1921. It became a premier industrial site when the Roxana Petroleum Company was constructed.

While the majority of residents of Roxana are U.S. citizens, 16.8% are living in poverty. The child poverty rate in Roxana, IL is 26.9%, and there are 11.2% of households where the householder is not married. Nearly 60% of the population is employed and the median income is $80,300. The average commute time is 23 minutes. The average car ownership rate in Roxana is two per household.