Sizerock, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a map of Sizerock City, you have come to the right place. This population map shows you the percentage of each race living in the city. The darker colors indicate a greater racial majority. To learn more about diversity in Sizerock, visit the city's diversity page. The colors green and red represent areas where people of different races are most likely to live together.

The real estate market in Sizerock / Thousandsticks is comprised of small, medium, and large houses and mobile homes. While there are some newer homes for sale, most are owner-occupied. The median rental price in Sizerock / Thousandsticks is $685, which is less than 95.1% of all neighborhoods in Kentucky. You can find a house for rent in this city for as low as $685 a month.

The median household income in ZIP code 41762 is $21,179. This figure is relatively low compared to the rest of the country, but it is still above average. Although money isn't everything, it does help to know that people in this ZIP code earn less than in other areas of the city. While there are some pedestrians and cyclists, there are very few who work from home in this community. While most people get to work in under half an hour, a few commuters spend more than 45 minutes just to get to their workplace.