When you need to know about the population and steets of Smiths Grove City, KY, read this article! It'll provide you with the information you need to make an educated decision. There are many reasons why it is important to know the population and steets of a city. Here are some of them:
The median household income in Smiths Grove, KY is $48,056. This is less than the $65,712 national average. Additionally, median household income has decreased from $48,073 in 2018 to $48,056 in 2019. Smiths Grove, KY has a higher than average homeownership rate of 84.2%. The biggest industry in Smiths Grove is Manufacturing, with 63 people, followed by Retail Trade, with 51. Health Care & Social Assistance is another significant industry in the city, with nearly 40% of the total population working in it.
The violent crime rate in Smiths Grove is a good indicator of the overall safety of the city. The rate of violent crime per 1,000 Smiths Grove residents is lower than in other similar-sized cities. For example, residents of the northeast part of Smiths Grove are considered safer than those in the central part. Compared to these neighborhoods, the violent crime rate in the central part of Smiths Grove is slightly higher, which may not be surprising.
The population of the city is diverse. Thirty-seven percent of households in Smiths Grove City are under the age of eighteen. Ten percent of households in the city are single, while 13.2% are married couples. Twenty-four percent of households are non-families. The percentage of foreign-born residents and college students is lower than the state average. In terms of racial and ethnic groups, the city is fairly close to the average, with a little variation in each group.