The 2016 census reported that the population of Spottsville was 284 people. The median age is 38.5 years old, and the percentage of non-family households is 35.6%. Compared to the national average, Spottsville has a lower poverty rate than the nation as a whole. However, the average life expectancy in Spottsville is not bad. There are some disadvantages, however.
Crime is not as prevalent in Spottsville as it is in other parts of Kentucky. The city's crime rate is much lower than the state's average. However, crime does occur in any community, and Spottsville is no exception. Although it is a smaller city, the crime rate is significantly lower than the state average and national average. The high poverty rate in Spottsville may be due to poor economic conditions, but it still relates to the overall safety of its residents.
The median household income in Spottsville is $67,796. The city has a lower than average number of homeless people - only 2% of the population lives in homeless shelters. However, the average number of homeless individuals in Spottsville is higher than in many other Kentucky cities. If you're unsure if Spottsville, KY has a low unemployment rate, the city might be a good place to move to.
While Spottsville has a low cost of living in the United States, the cost of living is high in Kentucky. In Spottsville, KY, the median annual income is $68,714. This is a moderate cost of living for a single-family home. For a one-bedroom apartment, the average rent is about $600 a month. The climate in Spottsville, KY is very mild and pleasant, but the cost of living is high compared to neighboring cities and states.