If you're considering relocating to Sudith City, KY, you should know the population and steets of the city. A quick online search will yield many results, including the city center and airports closest to Sudith. Here are some cities close by, as well as those that are at least 81 miles away. You might also be interested in visiting nearby cities.
The population of Sudith, Kentucky is 2,935 and consists of 1,210 households. The median home value is $68,333, and the average household size is 2.39. The projected population growth is 8.2%, and the area is home to 0.99 males for every female. In addition, Sudith's average household income is $28,942, and its median household income is $41,936. Residents have a high school graduation rate of 68 percent, and half of its population drop out of college.