The following statistics will help you find out the Population & Steets in Symmonia City. The area is home to about 16,800 residents and spans 41 square miles, or 41 km2. The area extends for two miles and three kilometers on each side of the county seat at the intersection of Kentucky highways 348 and 131. Symsonia is located at an elevation of 407 feet above sea level, and its two forks of the Clarks River sit at 340 feet.
The oldest home in Symsonia was constructed using slave labor. The town's first post office was set up on December 23, 1847, by James K. Wilson. The city was named after him, as Wilson was the first postmaster. A Methodist Church was built in Symsonia between 1837 and 1854, and a Baptist church was organized on December 14, 1867. Both churches are affiliated with the Blood River Baptist Association.
While comparing murder rates, the north neighborhoods of Symsonia have a higher rate of crimes than the northwest neighborhoods. In the northwest, crime rates are lower than in the central area of Symsonia. However, crime rates are not based on intuitive statistics. If you're interested in exploring the town and its surroundings, consider visiting one of these cities. You might also find out if you can fly to another city that is four hours or so away.
In 2010 the median gross rent in Symsonia was $185/mo, which may include utilities and building costs. In comparison, the Kentucky average was $675/mo, while neighboring cities like Ledbetter and Clay had lower rent burdens, at 22.7% and 21.8%, respectively. The estimated number of renters in Symsonia is expected to reach 20,000 by 2020.