Vanceburg, Kentucky Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in finding out the Population & Steets in Venceburg City. The information in this article is intended to assist you in deciding whether or not Vanceburg City is a good place for you to live. It includes the average cost of living in Vanceburg and how it compares to other places. The crime rate in Vanceburg is lower than the national average. It is lower than the national average for crime of the same level.

The majority of people living in Vanceburg are young professionals looking to start a family. Its median age is 43 years old, and the average family has 2.8 members - parents and children. The diversity of Vanceburg is second to none, ranking 18193 nationally and 293 in the state. There are many neighborhoods to choose from, so be sure to visit one to get an idea of how different the city is.

The Vanceburg area was first settled by settlers who sought the abundance of salt. This region became known for mining and salt production, and was founded by Joseph Vance and Moses Baird. In addition to mining, Vanceburg is also home to the only monument to Civil War Union soldiers south of the Mason Dixon line. The town was inundated during the 1937 flood, destroying the town's 1st street and replacing it with the newly named "Front Street."