You may be wondering what the Population & Steets in Vico City look like. Fortunately, it's easy to find out. The city's population is only 318 people, with 83 percent of the residents being under the age of 20. The rest of the population consists of people older than 20 and those with children. The total population of Vicco is about 242 people.
The crime rate in Vicco is not all bad, however. In fact, the city is relatively safe, with only 49 crimes recorded per year. Since the city is largely residential, this statistic is misleading. Although crime rates are low in Vicco, many crimes occur in the city's few retail areas. While red areas on the crime rate map may look dangerous, they are not necessarily inherently unsafe for Vicco residents.
The city is home to about 11,460 households, which include 8,583 single-family homes. Another 7620 are one-unit detached or attached homes. The city has 137 apartments, ranging in size from two to fifty units. Overall, there are more than two churches in Vicco than anywhere else in Kentucky. The population is a little rough and eccentric, but the town's leaders hope that it will be an economic boon for the town and turn a bad image into a good one.
There are many chronic problems in Vicco, including an outdated sewer plant and water lines in dire need of repair. Vicco's small city budget is dependent on coal severance tax revenues, which are decreasing faster than the number of coal mining jobs in the Appalachian region. Even the mayor of the town hopes to turn an empty lot into a park. So, what can we expect from the Mayor of Vicco City?