If you are planning to move to Webster City, New York, you may want to check out the population and steets of the city. Here are some useful statistics to help you make your decision. The population of Webster City is 625 people, which is slightly less than the average for the state of New York. In terms of the stites and the sate, Webster City is a mid-sized community.
The median household income of the people living in Webster City is $50,592. The lowest paying industries are agriculture and manufacturing, which account for over 80% of the city's workforce. The city is also considered safe by the FBI, with only a 0.4% rate of violent crime. However, this statistic is not as easy to interpret as it seems. The southwest is considered a safe haven for residents.
While the city has a modest population of 11,128 residents, it is dwarfed by neighboring League City, which is home to 83,560 people. In comparison, Webster is eight times smaller than League City. The size of Webster makes it slightly smaller than neighboring Kemah, which has a population of just 1,773 people. While Webster City is still small compared to Houston proper, the area is expanding and new neighborhoods are being developed.
The poverty rate in Webster City is 0.07%. Among the residents, nearly 7.869 people live below the poverty line, while the other race is 0.5% lower. The median household income in Webster City is $55,446, which is a 13.4% increase over the previous year. It is estimated that nearly 90% of the people living in the city are white. After Electrolux left, the city began to grow. As a result, many of the people who were displaced by Electrolux are now employed at Van Diest Supply.