The Wingo City, Kentucky, population is 10,769 as of the 2010 census. This city is a bit bigger than Kentucky. However, Wingo is still small in terms of the population of its Steets. According to the United States Census Bureau, there are fewer households in Wingo than in Kentucky. That means that the population of Wingo City is smaller than that of nearby cities like Sedalia.
The median age for residents of Wingo is 36.0 years. This is about mid-range in comparison to the other cities in the area. However, Wingo is 17.6% smaller than its neighbor Water Valley, which has a median age of 56.6 years. The median age of people in Wingo is 17.6% lower than the average age in the United States. If you're looking for a place to live in Kentucky, you may want to check out Dwellics.
The city's rent burden is a useful indicator of the affordability of housing in the area. It shows how much a household must pay for rental housing. Wingo has a higher rent burden than the national average of 29.3%, but it is lower than other cities in the state. The cities nearest to Wingo include Milan and Clinton, which have higher rent burdens. The average rent in Wingo is $435 per month, but there are more expensive housing options in these cities.
The city's average temperature is 50Fdeg, with 120 days of below-average temperatures. The average rainfall is 52.6 inches per year, while snowfall amounts to only 15.4% of the total. With this low rainfall, the humidity in Wingo City is low at six percent, which is about the same as eleven straight days of moderate rain. The roads are moderate, but there aren't any major intersections in the area.