If you want to know the Population & Steets in Wurland City, Iowa, you can find the demographic data for this city. The following map displays the racial composition of the area. This map depicts the racial makeup of the city, and darker colors indicate a larger racial majority. This map also includes data for diversity scores in Wurtland.
The city is part of the larger Greenup County, KY, Zip Code. It has a population of approximately 44,547 people. The city has an area code of 606, making it a Lower Middle Class neighborhood. In comparison to other cities and zip codes in Kentucky, Wurtland is a relatively small town. However, the number of residents is expected to grow in the coming years.
In terms of age groups, residents of Wurtland are mostly under twenty years old. The city ranks in the top ten for the proportion of people in this age group. In addition to this, the city is home to 9.8% of people between the ages of 20 to 29. On the other hand, the population of people between thirty and forty-nine years old is lower than in other parts of the city.
Almost half of the working population in Wurtland / Argillite neighborhood travels less than thirty minutes to work. This commute time is significantly lower than the average American. Overall, the vacancy rate in Wurtland / Argillite is 12.8%, which is higher than the national average of 69.4%. While this vacancy rate may indicate weak demand for real estate in the area, it could also indicate that the area has a lot of new housing.