Aimwell, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can find out more about the population of Aimwell by looking at the maps below. The map below shows the racial makeup of the city. The majority racial group is indicated by darker shades. You can also view the diversity score for the city by viewing the page below. Diversity means that the city is a mixture of races, with a few all-white neighborhoods.

There are approximately 119 people living in Aimwell. The population is made up of 64 males and 55 females. There are 145 births and 106 deaths each year. The population of Aimwell is comprised of people of different races and ages. However, the overall demographics of the city have remained relatively stable. There are approximately N/A whites and N/A blacks in the city.

To find out more about Aimwell, Louisiana, you can visit the city's official website. The ZIP code is 71401. It is located in Catahoula Parish. The population is 117. You can also look up the zip code on a map to find out more about the city. The USPS' preferred name for this city is D, or Default. By using this ZIP code, you can copy your mail in the following format: