Ama, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Ama is located in the state of Louisiana. Its population is approximately 1,204 people, with a median household value of $120,296. There are 2.95 residents per household, with 1.01 males for every female. The median age is 33.3, and the area has a high graduation rate, at 85%. There are several things to keep in mind when advertising to this community.

Ama has a low percentage of foreign-born residents. Only 10 percent of the county's population has lived outside the United States. The percentage of people who are unemployed is significantly lower than the state average. Amarillo's percentage of foreign-born residents is also lower than neighboring cities. The length of time residents have been in the city is higher than the state average. Listed below are some of the things to consider when choosing a neighborhood.