Ball, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Ball City, LA is 3.97k people, with a median age of 29.9. The median household income is $54,577. The most common racial or ethnic groups in Ball are White (982%) and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (50%). The highest-paying jobs in Ball are in Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting. The lowest-paying jobs are in Information Technology, Manufacturing, and Construction (all three pay less than $50,000).

There are many things to know about Ball, LA's population. The median age was 36 years, and the majority of households consisted of children. However, there were also plenty of single adults. The median household size was 2.71 people, and the median family size was two. One in three households were headed by a woman. In addition, there were ten households with two people, which is not a large number.

The median property value in Ball, LA is $139,300, which is 0.579 times smaller than the national average. Ball's homeownership rate was 64.1%, while the median household income was $24,900. Residents of Ball, LA commute to work by car, on average, and take 25.8 minutes to reach their destination. The average number of cars per household was two. In Ball, LA, there are approximately three thousand people.