Basile, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019, the population of Basile was 1,994 people. The median age of the population was 29.9, and the median household income was $26,354. The ethnic makeup of Basile is mostly White, with 594 Black residents and 87 Other non-Hispanic residents. 6.34% of the people are hispanic. The median household income in Basile was $26,354 in 2019.

Those who are foreign-born in Basile should consider the immigration data. While Louisiana has a low percentage of foreign-born residents, this is higher than the state average. There are fewer than ten foreign-born residents in Basile. Despite these numbers, Basile is a very safe place to live. Compared to other cities, Basile has a low crime rate, and residents are more likely to feel safe walking down the street.

The population density in Basile is 2.3 people per square mile. This is significantly higher than the state and national averages, though other nearby cities such as Eunice and Mamou have lower population densities. To learn more about the average population density of Basile, you can use the United States Census Bureau's database. You can also explore the schools in Basile City and find out more about their history and current demographics.

The average salary of a high school teacher in Basile is $0 a year. There are fewer than 2,500 residents in Basile. Using Dwellics, you can easily rank over 50,000 cities in the US. The rankings make it easy to compare different areas and choose the perfect location for your future. It's not just the average income that's important, but also the educational level of the community.