Braithwaite, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The crime rate in Braithwaite is the number of crimes per thousand people during a standard year. This may seem high, but the city is generally safer than most other places in the country. Although crime rates in Braithwaite are not as high as those in other places, it is still higher than the national average. Crime rates are also higher in parts of Braithwaite that have high numbers of daytime visitors.

The nearest major cities are generally within a few hours' drive from Braithwaite, LA. If you'd rather drive, these cities may be worth checking out. You can also look for towns that are less than 100 miles away. Alternatively, you can search for cities that are close to Braithwaite, LA to find flights to those cities. It's really easy to get around when you know where to look.

Using US census data, you can determine the race of the population in Braithwaite. The darker shades in the map indicate a greater racial majority. Diversity is also shown on the map. Green areas are more diverse than red ones. A diverse area is where races of different races live side-by-side. If you want to learn more about this part of Braithwaite, you can check out the Wikipedia page for information about the city.