Carencro, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the population of Carencro City, Louisiana, you should read this article. It will provide you with an in-depth analysis of this Louisiana city. It contains information on the population's demographics and their relationship with the city. The data also reveals the most common ethnic groups in the city. The majority of Carencro City residents are French Canadians and Mexicans, while English and Irish roots account for about 4% of the population.

The median age of the residents of Carencro, LA is thirty-three. The percentage varies depending on the composition of the family, and people who fall below this threshold are considered impoverished. The median income of residents of Carencro is more than double the national average. In addition, residents of this Louisiana city are more likely to be American-born than those in other areas. Most foreign-born residents of Carencro are from Honduras, Mexico, or Vietnam.

The first post office was established in Carencro on January 11, 1872. The postmaster was Auguste Melchior. In 1884, a telegraph line reached the town. By 1894, the city was equipped with its first telephones. In addition to the old Catholic church, the city's modern parish church sits along Church Street. During World War II, there were several major explosions in the oil industry and there were two hurricanes that affected the area.