Chase, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know what the population & steets of Chase City look like, then you should first learn some basic facts about the town. The following chart shows the median income of Chase City residents, as well as other important statistics. The median household income in Chase City, VA is $52,538. That's slightly above the national average. Also, in 2019, 84.1% of Chase City's adults were single and living alone, while 6.5% lived with a partner or carpooled.

The percentage of foreign-born residents and the percentage of people with a bachelor's degree is lower than the state average. The number of people with college degrees is lower than the state average, with 2 pilots and one other airman living in the city. Chase City is home to the highest concentration of Africans per capita, which is surprising considering the small population of Asians. However, the city is still home to several people with military ancestry.

Almost 80% of the population of Chase City is educated. Its average income is $108,675. And its residents are well-educated. The United States Census also reports that Chevy Chase was named the nation's smartest community for 2011, which translates to "smart." The city's sidewalks are immaculate, its garbage collection men are efficient, and its local schools are important attractions.