Cheneyville, Louisiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in the Population & Steets in Cheyenneville City, Louisiana, you're not alone. Many Louisianans are interested in these statistics and want to know where they can find the most information about Cheneyville, LA. Here's a list of statistics about the city. Take a look! It's easy to compare crime rates between Cheneyville, LA and other nearby cities.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Cheneyville is 629 people, 100% of whom are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Cheneyville is $86,300, and the homeownership rate is 49.1%. In Cheneyville, LA, most people commuted by car alone, and their average commute time was 33.3 minutes. In Cheneyville, LA, there are two cars per household, and 0% of the population is foreign-born.

The United States Census Bureau reports the population of Cheneyville, Louisiana in raw head counts. However, it provides recalculated figures based on census block data. To find out more about the demographics of Cheneyville, LA, visit our About Page. You can learn more about our data sources. There's a great deal of information to explore! Consider these statistics for your community! You'll be glad you did!

The Cheneyville, LA population breakdown shows that there are approximately 487 residents of voting age. The majority of these individuals are male (40.9%), while women make up 28.8% of the population. Cheneyville's racial makeup includes 51.7% Black and 41.2% White residents, with 7.5% of those people identifying as Hispanic. The average household income for Cheneyville, LA is $13,567.